Release of a new Product

Posted on 26-06-2022

Launch of two new products in the AFRIMED range. Launch of the PARAFEN 2.5% internal antiparasitic Fenbendazol suspension. ENERGISTIM, Product specially developed to help in the treatment of ketosis, metabolic or digestive disorders linked to a negative energy balance or other situations of deletions of the immune system based on Tylosin Tartrate in addition to those executed earlier this year: DIARSULFA based on Sulfaguanidine and heavy clay Tylosin tartrate based on PULMOX CARNISTIM, food supplement based on L-carnitine

Créés en 1995, les laboratoires AFRIMED développent, fabriquent, et commercialisent en Tunisie et à l’international des médicaments et des compléments nutritionnels répondants aux besoins des vétérinaires, des éleveurs et des propriétaires d’animaux de compagnie.

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AFRIMED S.A. BP 76 Route de Sousse 5012 Sahline – TUNISIE

(+216) 73 52 52 01

(+216) 73 52 52 03