Solution oligo-minérale phosphocalcique
Solution buvable

1 liter bottle.
5 liter container.

Average analysis for 100 ml: Phosphorus -: 5.82 g; Calcium: 4.91g; Magnesium: 3.80 g
Sodium: 5.64g; Copper: 0.32g; Zinc: 1.88g; excipients.

CALCIPHOS is a mineral supplement in aqueous solution for poultry which allows to:

  • Strengthen the egg shell in layers and breeders.
    -Help compensate for mineral losses.
    -Improve the absorption and fixation of calcium and phosphorus.


    Oral solution, to be diluted in drinking water at the rate of 1 liter of CALCIPHOS® in 200 liters of water.
    The duration of treatment depends on the age of the animal:
    Broilers and Pullets:
    Between the 2nd and 4th week of age: 3 days a week.
    All ages: in cure of 7 days then 3 days every 2 weeks.
    Adult breeders:

    From start of lay to peak: 3 days every 2 weeks then 1 full week to peak lay.
    From around 50 weeks of age: as a 7-day cure then 3 days every 2 weeks.
    Adult Layers:
    From the beginning of the peak of lay, i.e. approximately 21 to 26 weeks: 3 days every 2 weeks then 1 full week at the peak of lay.
    From approximately 50 weeks of age: 3 days every 2 weeks.

    Waiting times:

Créés en 1995, les laboratoires AFRIMED développent, fabriquent, et commercialisent en Tunisie et à l’international des médicaments et des compléments nutritionnels répondants aux besoins des vétérinaires, des éleveurs et des propriétaires d’animaux de compagnie.

Get in Touch

AFRIMED S.A. BP 76 Route de Sousse 5012 Sahline – TUNISIE

(+216) 73 52 52 01

(+216) 73 52 52 03